By now you will be aware that I am sold out on the mandate of CONNECTING. A little while ago I introduced this idea of :-
CONNECTING with each other
CONNECTING with our community
There are two passages of Scripture which bring focus for me in this aspect of connecting with each other:-
1 Corinthians 12: 12-31 this passage reminds us of the infinite value that every single person has to making up the whole, and this whole to which I refer is the Body - the church. I become very aware that none is exempt and we need to be doing all that we can (those of us who are a part of the church) to ensure that we are inclusive of those who come amongst us. There are people for whom the feeling of being insignificant and insufficient is a very real experience, and this is not confined to an out-of-church experience (sadly). Yet this Scripture reminds us that ALL are necessary to make for the body to be functional and healthy. Without each person finding their place and operating to capacity, as they are designed, the body is placed under immense and unnecessary pressure. We need to learn better that none are more important that others, only different. Our Lego block becomes a good representation of this for us, they are different in shape, size, colour, etc.
Hebrews 10: 19-25 this passage reminds us of the importance of meeting together regularly, and compels us that we don't stop doing this. Some of the important reasons for this are highlighted in the following for us and come from various translations:-
- the need to be motivating one another on to acts of love and good works
- we should encourage one another
- consider and give attentive, continuous care
- study to show how we might stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities
- be inventive in encouraging and helping out

Another aspect that is important to consider is what our strong connection to one another reveals to the world around us. It reveals our relationship to Jesus and the difference He makes in our lives and relationships, believe it, people do notice. Sometimes the greater reality is that people question why we are not different at times, why the unforgiveness, bitterness, conflict is so rife within the church, because they expect a difference in people who profess to be the church.
So here is the deal for us. We are a people created to be in relationship with God, in touch with the Creator. Learning, developing, growing and bearing fruit from this relationship. However, the relationship circle widens to encompass one another, whereby we look out for the interests of each other. Encouraging, spurring on into greater things. Identifying that EVERY person has a place and is vital to the whole, that makes up the body. In each person finding their place, this body becomes fully functioning and grows and produces good fruit from it's labours.
You have a functioning part to play in the body that is the church. Are you finding that place?