Welcome to my journey

Welcome to my journey as I read the Word, other books and live life ...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

To BE like ...

Henri Nouwen wrote, "At every moment you have to decide to trust the voice that says, 'I love you. I knit you together in your mother's womb' (Psalm 139: 13)."

What most jumps out at you from this? Decide? Trust? The notion that someone, God, loves you? How He created you? Or is it even a questioning of how this choosing might be dependent upon the circumstance, after all, it is much easier to trust when things are going good for us, isn't it?

What might your choosing, your deciding be?

I know for me there is a strong desire to ALWAYS trust, 'whatever' the circumstances. There are occasions where this has been put to the test and yes, I have trusted, my faith has remained unwavering. Yet I can understand the occasions where this might be difficult for people.

Is this the thing that makes the difference though - this last aspect, whereby we listen to the voice that says, 'I love you. I knit you together ...' I cannot get away from this thinking that what really makes the difference is not God knowing me, but me knowing Him. And further getting to know Him, more and more and more. That the real factor here is my relationship with Him developing, growing, becoming more significant every day, because I spend time with Him. 

Think about it a moment. What tends to happen when we do this? Is it not true that we often begin to pick up on the attributes of this One we spend time with? Something of them begins to rub off on us? We begin to be influenced by them.

That is how I see it with God anyways. As I spend more time with Him, I hope I begin to BE more and more like Him. Do I always? No! But it is my aim, my desire.

To BE like Jesus, this hope posses me ...

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