It has been some time since last I blogged. The reading has continued (both of the Word and books to do with church culture, etc.), life has continued (with all that might mean, including the struggle to keep physically healthy as well as the other dimensions of social, mental and spiritual).
To be honest, there has been somewhat a struggle taking place for me as I have sought to determine, or discern the heartbeat of God for me and the Geelong Corps. "What is it You require of me (us) here Lord? What is Your plan and purpose for this Corps (both corporately and in reaching into this community)?" What has made this such a struggle for me? There seems 'so much' that needs attention and I sense a lack of direction or real purpose currently, both for me personally and the Corps collectively. However, questioning is not wrong. Searching is important, especially when aligned to praying and seeking the heart of God, but so is surrounding yourself with the right people who might remind you of the things that are important and the lessons God might be teaching me (us) through these days.
So, a new journey begins. Where will it end up? What will it involve? What will be required of me (us)? Much of the answers are yet to be discovered, yet there are some glimpses of what this might look like and what it might entail. I think it starts with a healthy dissatisfaction in the status-quo, we cannot remain as we are. It means returning to some basics - understanding the importance of the Scriptures, the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the fact that God builds His church and we are to make Disciples (this latter part being the crux of the learning to date). There is always a sense that this will require a good deal of energy, some heartache and pain, a strategy, and could be costly. However, to focus solely on these elements is to miss the excitement and joy of serving God faithfully, to see the Kingdom of God further established, growing and developing as people encounter Jesus and their lives are changed. Remembering that it is 'not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.' This is not reliant on me, rather I am needing to be reliant and ever in touch with the heartbeat of God. He has a plan, He has determined a purpose, it is mine to get on board and be a servant.
I hope you might join with me in this journey, pray that I might truly be in touch with the heartbeat of God for this place, this community, His people. That I will be obedient and faithful to His call upon my life, to make disciples. Pray for my whole being, body, mind and spirit, will be protected, developed and grow healthier each day for that which is and will yet be required of me. And may you too be blessed and be a blessing as you seek to BE who God has called you to BE.
Thanks for being so transparent about your journey Andrew and so receptive to where the Spirit is leading. You continue to encourage and inspire me in my own faith and leadership journey and I thank God for the godly influence of you and Jenny in our lives :)