Chick Yuill, 'thank you for "this time tomorrow"!'
OK! Let me expand a little so you too can share in this simple but profound opportunity. At Geelong we have commenced this segment in worship. It has three parts to it. I have someone share a little about themselves and what it is they do, or where they spend most of their time. I want to focus in on their workplace, their place of recreation, the group they might belong too, wherever it is they are engaged with others.
The next aspect is in relation to their faith, seeing that 'this place' is where they spend most of their time, that they recognise it as their mission field. And with this being the place God has placed or lead them, what are the challenges they face, the obstacles that appear to get in the way, or what barrier needs to be removed that they might truly be light in the darkness and salt that brings flavour?
Finally we pray for this person and the mission they are involved in where 'they are', where they spend their time.
However, it doesn't end there for me now. You see, the Lord opened my eyes to another possibility a few days ago. He said, 'the people are pretty good in gathering for fellowship and a cuppa following worship on Sunday, put it out to them that this becomes their prayer room too, that they conduct their own this time tomorrow with those whom they converse. Learn something more about each other, find out the challenges and commit to praying for them'.
God has something in store for Geelong I reckon. I really just wanna be in touch with His heartbeat and follow His lead - there, that's the prayer you can join me in. Will you do this for me? I hope so, cause I reckon it makes a difference - 'thanks!'
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