I have spoken a bit of times about this "connecting" theme and the associated inherent desire and need for "relationship". The strong belief that God created us with this as a part of our DNA.
At times the struggle that I find people often have is with the thought that God would "want to" be in relationship with them. This feeling that "I" could never be good enough. That God is so Holy that He continues to be separated from us and that He is more interested in looking for what we do wrong to punish us, rather than long to be in relationship with us.
Well, if you find yourself in that category, or have been there and wondered whether He was really interested in relationship with you, then I think I have a verse from the beginning of creation that spells this out quite clearly. Most would be familiar with the creation story as recorded for us in the first two chapters of Genesis. This is then followed by what might commonly be called "the fall" or the record of "man and woman sin". Now one of the things we understand early of God is His all knowingness (omniscience), nothing is hid from Him. In fact, parents have often used this in an attempt for their children to be good, "you know He (God) knows!". And yet, here is the verse that follows the account of them (Adam & Eve) sinning, being disobedient to an instruction given from God:-

9 God called to the Man: “Where are you?”
God comes looking for Adam & Eve, the impression is that this is a regular thing, He comes strolling through the garden. Now they are only too aware the impact of sin (their disobedience) upon their lives. The innocence of being naked is lost and they attempt to cover themselves and hide themselves from the sight of God, their Creator. But God seeks them out - "where are you?"
Furthermore, the thing that stirs me more and more as I spend time in the presence of God, is that He continues to be interested in me, in relationship with me. Still it puzzles me. Still I might question why, but the Gospels remind me I am His child. I am valued in His sight. He created me with purpose and in love and makes provision that I might find a way into His presence all the time. (This includes you too).
I am a sinful being, not any different to Adam and Eve in so many ways. I make mistakes, I get things wrong. I might not always be obedient. But I am grateful for a loving and gracious God who calls out to me, "Andrew, where are you"?
Killed any gays in a religious ritual lately Andrew?