Welcome to my journey

Welcome to my journey as I read the Word, other books and live life ...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Connecting with each other...

You will know by now if you have followed my Blog that I am sold out on the need for us to be connected. I have shared before the need to be connected to God, however the second element is the need to be "connected with each other", that is, with each other within the church. 

The focus within this must not be about creating a "club", which has tended to happen in the past. This is not about securing ourselves in a protected environment away from the ills and threats of the world. Rather, this ought to be a place where we find support, encouragement and are spurred on in our discipleship, following Christ, living Christ in the world (wherever we are).

It is good, and important for us to stop and think about this. We need to ensure that our gathering together is healthy and wholesome. That the focus is upon the interest of others and not merely about us. Of recent I have thought a bit about this. I have wondered about us exercising some 'lag time' before we make response in our conversations. Take the time to ask ourselves the question, 'is this conversation or subject helpful and beneficial, or might it be counted as gossip or really none of my business?' I think it is time that we stood up for what is right and honest and of benefit to others, rather than getting caught up in matters that might not be the 'whole truth' or that might not be 'helpful' to another, whether directly or by what it might do to their character.

How different church, and the whole of life for that matter, might be, if our conversations and interest are in regard to the spiritual journey of each other and how we might best support one another practically or prayerfully. Of recent I have appreciated occasions with people whereby this has been the centre of our conversations (over a good coffee of course). Our focus has been upon our encounter with Christ through the Word (the Scriptures) and in our everyday experiences, how He (Jesus) has revealed Himself to us. Fresh discoveries. New learning's. This has been so liberating, so encouraging and exciting. The other thing is, you find you want more of it. And, it fits you (equips you) for living in the everyday.

Interestingly, Jesus said, "By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13: 35 (NLT)

Let's do it! Let's ensure that we are intent on what is good for each other, seeking to make a positive impact upon one another, so that we are clearly identified as belonging to Christ, known as His disciples, His followers. If this happens, I believe people will want to be journeying with us, they desire genuine people in their lives. Let's score some wins for Jesus!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

This Time Tomorrow...

Have you ever sat under the ministry of someone who just kept reminding you of simple things that resonated with you, and where your heart was? Maybe what they had to share just filled in some of the blanks, the missing elements you were searching for. Maybe what they had to say challenged you to see something differently or to see something afresh with new eyes. 

Chick Yuill, 'thank you for "this time tomorrow"!'

OK! Let me expand a little so you too can share in this simple but profound opportunity. At Geelong we have commenced this segment in worship. It has three parts to it. I have someone share a little about themselves and what it is they do, or where they spend most of their time. I want to focus in on their workplace, their place of recreation, the group they might belong too, wherever it is they are engaged with others. 

The next aspect is in relation to their faith, seeing that 'this place' is where they spend most of their time, that they recognise it as their mission field. And with this being the place God has placed or lead them, what are the challenges they face, the obstacles that appear to get in the way, or what barrier needs to be removed that they might truly be light in the darkness and salt that brings flavour?

Finally we pray for this person and the mission they are involved in where 'they are', where they spend their time.

However, it doesn't end there for me now. You see, the Lord opened my eyes to another possibility a few days ago. He said, 'the people are pretty good in gathering for fellowship and a cuppa following worship on Sunday, put it out to them that this becomes their prayer room too, that they conduct their own this time tomorrow with those whom they converse. Learn something more about each other, find out the challenges and commit to praying for them'.

God has something in store for Geelong I reckon. I really just wanna be in touch with His heartbeat and follow His lead - there, that's the prayer you can join me in. Will you do this for me? I hope so, cause I reckon it makes a difference - 'thanks!'

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


There was something impactful about this picture when I first encountered it the other day. I wonder what runs through your mind? The initial thought for me was, that the mold I desire to break free from is that of the world. You might know the one I am talking about, whereby people, advertising, images that are displayed, suggest, even compel me, to conform to a particular image, standard or code.

Interestingly, following seeing this image I was reminded of this reality by Richard Rohr -  

"We think of freedom as not having to do what we don’t want to do, but divine freedom is the capacity to be fully who we already are, to develop our inherent and true nature, as much as possible—really wanting to do what we know we have to do. Only God can create that freedom inside of us. Love can only proceed from such inner freedom. A mustard seed, yeast, and light—that all develop from within—are some of Jesus’ central metaphors for this freedom-loving Reign of God." (Adapted from Jesus' Plan for a New World: The Sermon on the Mount, p. 14)

True freedom is when we become or find the person that God has initiated, created us to be. When we become unshackled, untangled from what others might expect of us, or even what we have become conditioned to think we ought to be.

This might not always seem easy when we begin to contemplate it, or dream after it, well not initially, for so often we are still thinking  in terms of how am 'I' going to accomplish this, how can 'I' achieve this. It is not until we actually surrender self or even the notion of 'I' have to be in control, and hand the reigns over to God, that I begin to realise, you know what? this is possible. 

How bizarre that we let go and we find what we have been looking, even searching for - freedom. Why are we surprised? After all, it is what God desires for us.

I trust that you will know this truth more and more in these days. 

Bless ya real good!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Engaged in Mission

On this discovery of a new journey, I am reminded of an aspect that seems to escape the practice or culture of many within the Church - that mission is something we are all to be engaged in. It is not the responsibility of a select few, often identified to being those who are employed by the church for specific tasks. 

The reminder is that all persons who are followers of Jesus, His disciples, are to be engaged in the mission of the church, disciple making. Our engagement is wherever we might spend our time.

For too long we have operated on the belief or practice that the ministry or mission is carried out within the confines of the church building. Thus we add programme after programme that might, in some way, attract and engage people. The goal is that from these programmes a person might go on to attend worship, and in hearing the Good News, they may respond to the message.

Rather, the mission field is where we are, within our home, workplace, school or within the groups which we belong - wherever we meet with other people.

The important task for the church is that we are preparing disciples to make a difference in the lives of others. Assisting them in their growth and development for the sake of the Kingdom of God. However, those of us in leadership, responsible for those who are followers of Jesus, assist this further by changing the existing culture of the church to understand the importance of mission in the everyday of life, placing emphasis on the mission we all have, talking it up, seeking understanding of the challenges people face and supporting them in prayer. 

Yes, within The Salvation Army we need more people to take up the calling of Officership. But, we also need to assist people to see they might be called to being an office worker, mechanic, medical assistant, social worker, doctor, etc. God needs people in all facets of life to be impacting others with His love and compassion - this is our mission, we need to be obedient to the call He places upon us.

Lord, let us hear your voice and be willing to respond, wherever, whenever, and however You desire.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Journey

It has been some time since last I blogged. The reading has continued (both of the Word and books to do with church culture, etc.), life has continued (with all that might mean, including the struggle to keep physically healthy as well as the other dimensions of social, mental and spiritual)

To be honest, there has been somewhat a struggle taking place for me as I have sought to determine, or discern the heartbeat of God for me and the Geelong Corps. "What is it You require of me (us) here Lord? What is Your plan and purpose for this Corps (both corporately and in reaching into this community)?" What has made this such a struggle for me? There seems 'so much' that needs attention and I sense a lack of direction or real purpose currently, both for me personally and the Corps collectively. However, questioning is not wrong. Searching is important, especially when aligned to praying and seeking the heart of God, but so is surrounding yourself with the right people who might remind you of the things that are important and the lessons God might be teaching me (us) through these days.

So, a new journey begins. Where will it end up? What will it involve? What will be required of me (us)? Much of the answers are yet to be discovered, yet there are some glimpses of what this might look like and what it might entail. I think it starts with a healthy dissatisfaction in the status-quo, we cannot remain as we are. It means returning to some basics - understanding the importance of the Scriptures, the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the fact that God builds His church and we are to make Disciples (this latter part being the crux of the learning to date). There is always a sense that this will require a good deal of energy, some heartache and pain, a strategy, and could be costly. However, to focus solely on these elements is to miss the excitement and joy of serving God faithfully, to see the Kingdom of God further established, growing and developing as people encounter Jesus and their lives are changed. Remembering that it is 'not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.' This is not reliant on me, rather I am needing to be reliant and ever in touch with the heartbeat of God. He has a plan, He has determined a purpose, it is mine to get on board and be a servant.

 I hope you might join with me in this journey, pray that I might truly be in touch with the heartbeat of God for this place, this community, His people. That I will be obedient and faithful to His call upon my life, to make disciples. Pray for my whole being, body, mind and spirit, will be protected, developed and grow healthier each day for that which is and will yet be required of me. And may you too be blessed and be a blessing as you seek to BE who God has called you to BE.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Connecting with each other

By now you will be aware that I am sold out on the mandate of CONNECTING. A little while ago I introduced this idea of :-

CONNECTING with each other
CONNECTING with our community

There are two passages of Scripture which bring focus for me in this aspect of connecting with each other:-

 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31 this passage reminds us of the infinite value that every single person has to making up the whole, and this whole to which I refer is the Body - the church. I become very aware that none is exempt and we need to be doing all that we can (those of us who are a part of the church) to ensure that we are inclusive of those who come amongst us. There are people for whom the feeling of being insignificant and insufficient is a very real experience, and this is not confined to an out-of-church experience (sadly). Yet this Scripture reminds us that ALL are necessary to make for the body to be functional and healthy. Without each person finding their place and operating to capacity, as they are designed, the body is placed under immense and unnecessary pressure. We need to learn better that none are more important that others, only different. Our Lego block becomes a good representation of this for us, they are different in shape, size, colour, etc.

Hebrews 10: 19-25  this passage reminds us of the importance of meeting together regularly, and compels us that we don't stop doing this. Some of the important reasons for this are highlighted in the following for us and come from various translations:- 
  • the need to be motivating one another on to acts of love and good works
  • we should encourage one another
  • consider and give attentive, continuous care 
  • study to show how we might stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities
  • be inventive in encouraging and helping out
Another aspect that is important to consider is what our strong connection to one another reveals to the world around us. It reveals our relationship to Jesus and the difference He makes in our lives and relationships, believe it, people do notice. Sometimes the greater reality is that people question why we are not different at times, why the unforgiveness, bitterness, conflict is so rife within the church, because they expect a difference in people who profess to be the church. 

So here is the deal for us. We are a people created to be in relationship with God, in touch with the Creator. Learning, developing, growing and bearing fruit from this relationship. However, the relationship circle widens to encompass one another, whereby we look out for the interests of each other. Encouraging, spurring on into greater things. Identifying that EVERY person has a place and is vital to the whole, that makes up the body. In each person finding their place, this body becomes fully functioning and grows and produces good fruit from it's labours.

You have a functioning part to play in the body that is the church. Are you finding that place? 

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Of recent times I have commenced reading another book (surprise, surprise), Simple Life - (Time, Relationships, Money, God) by Thom S, Rainer & Art Rainer. I sought out this book after reading Simple Church which had a profound impact on me. Some reading this Blog may recall earlier contributions referring back to this, the content was profound, though nothing new, and as the title suggested, it was getting back to being 'Simple' (focused, intentional, minimalistic in the approach).

I have been thinking over the past couple of days of something stated within this new  book, again, nothing I haven't heard before, but it is hitting me between the eyes. It starts with my understanding of what I want most from my life? What might I desire to accomplish? What do I count to be most important? What might my mission (life) statement include? And how important is this to me? What am I willing to do to see this through?

The co-writers highlight the struggles and excuses that go with attempting to accomplish what we might really want. You may identify with some of these, 'I am just too busy. We really need the additional income. Maybe sometime later when we have established ourselves.' And the excuses go on. However, if we really examine it honestly, we will find we will always be busy, we will seldom have the financial security we want, and later may be too late and the opportunity lost forever.

Here was the crux of it - I have a choice. I can lean toward any of the excuses and hardly anyone will challenge them (where maybe we ought to be holding one another more accountable - but that is for another blog) or I can exercise my choice to go for what is most important to me. 

I am challenged to make some decisions and exercise some choices about what is really important to me in my life, to bring some discipline to my living and daily practices, to let go of excuses and to be more intentional. Maybe you are stirred to do the same.

Lord, I believe you desire purpose, fulfillment and accomplishment for my life, help me to be faithful in living this life the way you intend for me to live it, in all it's fulness.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Well this is a theme I have been convinced about for a long time now. Despite what mission imperatives we might have, such as we do here at Geelong - "changing lives, strengthening families & impacting society", I believe these must have a 'connection' base.

CONNECTING with each other
CONNECTING with our community

Fundamentally, the first is what we were created for, relationship with God. However, it extends to being in a place whereby we follow the plan He has for us, at the same time tapping into a source of strength and power to accomplish what He sets us to do. It is the source of our BEing.

The second is a reminder of the importance and ultimately the need of doing this together, we are to be the 'body' of Christ. We are not a dislocated conglomerate of body parts, we were purposed to be joined together, complimenting each other, working together effectively for the Creator.

Finally, we are to have an external focus (our community) - to be looking and working outside the church - 'others'. Recall the command, 'GO' and make disciples...

The image and analogy that best works for me is the Lego block. None of the above will just happen, like a Lego block with multiple connectors, they have to be pressed together to form a connection. There is something intentional about the act of connecting. We need to be purposeful in our acts. Think about it a moment - the Lego blocks are not dissimilar to us in that they come in all sorts of colours, shapes and sizes, yet the purpose is for them to connect with another part. We too are made for this purpose, so lets ensure we are doing all in our power to ensure this happens with the strongest effect possible.

More on this is to come ...


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Not what it used to be ...

Today saw me return to trackside for a few days of car racing at some of its best. However, I wasn't overly satisfied with the experience of today. Things were different to last year, or the last number of years in fact. Some aspects were located in different places, others were just not there, some things were not finished in being set up and the list could go on.

It got me thinking of the times I hear this about church too. Either people looking for a past experience, or past leadership or 'something' that was good for them on an occasion. The desire to have something or an experience exactly how 'I' want it.

And yet, how did I come to deciding that an experience or event was a good one in the first place? Was it not about attending? Participating? Being there expecting something to happen? So why would I not continue to look for something new in something different? Or, look for that which I do appreciate in the experience that was, like the great company I had, or the fact that I also got a few hours with my son.

It is so easy to not be looking or expecting something in an experience that is replicated on some regular basis. We close ourselves off from the blessing or challenge that might be available to us, just because it is not how 'we' want it to be.

"Lord, I desire to be more open to see, hear and BE all that You might desire of me. Help me to pull up short from being unsatisfied or closed to something new or different."

Thursday, February 21, 2013

To BE like ...

Henri Nouwen wrote, "At every moment you have to decide to trust the voice that says, 'I love you. I knit you together in your mother's womb' (Psalm 139: 13)."

What most jumps out at you from this? Decide? Trust? The notion that someone, God, loves you? How He created you? Or is it even a questioning of how this choosing might be dependent upon the circumstance, after all, it is much easier to trust when things are going good for us, isn't it?

What might your choosing, your deciding be?

I know for me there is a strong desire to ALWAYS trust, 'whatever' the circumstances. There are occasions where this has been put to the test and yes, I have trusted, my faith has remained unwavering. Yet I can understand the occasions where this might be difficult for people.

Is this the thing that makes the difference though - this last aspect, whereby we listen to the voice that says, 'I love you. I knit you together ...' I cannot get away from this thinking that what really makes the difference is not God knowing me, but me knowing Him. And further getting to know Him, more and more and more. That the real factor here is my relationship with Him developing, growing, becoming more significant every day, because I spend time with Him. 

Think about it a moment. What tends to happen when we do this? Is it not true that we often begin to pick up on the attributes of this One we spend time with? Something of them begins to rub off on us? We begin to be influenced by them.

That is how I see it with God anyways. As I spend more time with Him, I hope I begin to BE more and more like Him. Do I always? No! But it is my aim, my desire.

To BE like Jesus, this hope posses me ...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My God...

It is interesting in conversation at times to see how many people have a belief 'in' God. Prevalent today is the thought that God is the same across religions. A figure, being, object, mostly out there somewhere and affecting some things in life, usually to be blamed for the bad things.

1 Kings 5:1-51-4 Hiram king of Tyre sent ambassadors to Solomon when he heard that he had been crowned king in David’s place. Hiram had loved David his whole life. Solomon responded, saying, “You know that David my father was not able to build a temple in honor of God because of the wars he had to fight on all sides, until God finally put them down. But now God has provided peace all around—no one against us, nothing at odds with us.

5 “Now here is what I want to do: Build a temple in honor of God, my God, following the promise that God gave to David my father, namely, ‘Your son whom I will provide to succeed you as king, he will build a house in my honor.’ ”

Here is what stood out 'my God'. The personal relationship that we have with God. It is what often sets Christians apart from others. It is the desire of God that we know Him, His love and care and plan for us each. In the storms and difficult times, He is not remote, removed from it all, He is right there in the midst of it with me - He is MY God and I am His child.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What sort of lead do you give ...

I wonder if you concur with me, this is a tough reading and call by Joab?

A bit of background, ever so briefly. Absalom has raised up for himself an army, ever so deceitfully and tactfully, against his own father, the king, David. A battle takes place and Absalom is killed. But here's the thing, David is torn between the victory that is his in the defeat of an enemy, albeit his son, and the fact that his troops return home safely. 

Here's the account:

2 Samuel 19:1-8 (NLT)

Joab Rebukes the King

19 Word soon reached Joab that the king was weeping and mourning for Absalom. As all the people heard of the king’s deep grief for his son, the joy of that day’s victory was turned into deep sadness. They crept back into the town that day as though they were ashamed and had deserted in battle. The king covered his face with his hands and kept on crying, “O my son Absalom! O Absalom, my son, my son!”
Then Joab went to the king’s room and said to him, “We saved your life today and the lives of your sons, your daughters, and your wives and concubines. Yet you act like this, making us feel ashamed of ourselves. You seem to love those who hate you and hate those who love you. You have made it clear today that your commanders and troops mean nothing to you. It seems that if Absalom had lived and all of us had died, you would be pleased. Now go out there and congratulate your troops, for I swear by the Lord that if you don’t go out, not a single one of them will remain here tonight. Then you will be worse off than ever before.”
So the king went out and took his seat at the town gate, and as the news spread throughout the town that he was there, everyone went to him.
Meanwhile, the Israelites who had supported Absalom fled to their homes.

I wonder where you might have placed your emphasis, your emotions? Would it be in celebration for your own troops returning as victors (this victory is yours), or might you be somewhat torn at the loss of your own son (though an enemy by his own making and action)?

The jury is out on this for me in some respects, for I am a strong believer in the fact that your (my) children are always your (my) children and you love them unconditionally (ie. whether they return the love, receive the love or not, you ALWAYS love them, regardless). It doesn't mean you like all of their life choices or the decisions they exercise. It does mean you might have to exercise grace, much and often.

However, here is the issue that Joab raises, David (King), you are the leader of these people. You might be torn with the loss of your son, this flesh and blood of yours who made his own choices and has suffered the consequences. But, don't loose sight of the people who have honoured you, faithfully served you, who were willing to give up their lives for you if necessary. Watch, because you have the responsiblity to look out for and look after, them too.

'Lord, here's my prayer through this. Help me ALWAYS to love my children, to protect them, direct and guide them, to lead by example for them. When it comes to leading well the people you have placed in my care, help me to be wise and lead well, that I might honour them and be a true example to them, encouraging and praising them appropriately , for Your Kingdom sake.' 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A plan for you...

What a terrific afternoon as we celebrated the commencement of a new session of cadets for training as Salvation Army Officers and sent out the second year Cadets on assignement.

The verse given for reflection was:

Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 

Here's my thinking in relation to this. There are many occasions in life whereby we would love to know what the plan is ahead of us, especially on the occasions where we are struggling to see a way forward, or things are tough and we want to know we will actually get through OK. At other times, life is sort of coasting and doesn't cause for us much concern, and the surprises seem at least to be pleasant and enjoyable one's.

But here's the thing. God has a plan for us (you and me) and we can be sure that this plan is 'always' for good. Look at the words: 'prosper, not harm, hope, a future, call - I listen, seek Me and find Me.' Now many of these aspects might carry with it various interpretations, for instance, to prosper does not always mean to have a lot of money (though sadly this is how many would interpret this), instead, we might do well in our field of work, our service to others. Know though, the promises of God are sure and they are beneficial. He desires good things for us and to be born through us for others too.

Now look again at the emphasis captured above. See how it is personalised. This is for 'you'. God is speaking to 'you'. He has a plan that includes 'you'.

I don't know about you but I want to be a part of God's plan. I desire for Him to use me for the sake of His Kingdom, for my life to be spent for this purpose. I hope you do too.

Bless ya real good!  

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

With Anticipation...

I have been reflecting upon the fact that I have placed a few orders over the past couple of weeks, locally and international. Some I am waiting on a phone call to say when they are in or when they will be delivered and others it is a matter of watching and waiting with anticipation for their delivery by post/courier.

These items have consisted of furniture, bike parts and books (I love my reading in case you are not a 'Goodreads' follower of mine). So, each day I might at some point wonder, 'is today the day?' Some items I have gotten tired of waiting and ended up phoning to check on the progress of availability and delivery.

Here's the thing it had me contemplating, do I watch and wait for a revelation of the Lord with the same anticipation? Is that the way I view my relationship with the Lord, wanting more, desiring more, hoping for more of Him to be revealed. For me to understand the Lord that bit more because of my encounter with Him?

Actually, it 'is' my experience. There is something about the realisation that my reliance is upon Him. I constantly depend upon Him. Does it mean I always listen well to His instruction? No! Does it mean I am absolutely obedient? Sadly, no! But there is an ever growing desire that I might place myself in a better place whereby it is the Lord I seek direction and guidance from first. I do not want to get in the way of His being able to do GREAT things in this city, in this Corps of Geelong, in the lives of people that I might encounter.

'Lord (Master), speak: Thy servant heareth,
Waiting for Thy gracious word, 
Longing for Thy voice that cheereth;
Lord (Master), let it now be heard.
I am listening, Lord, for Thee;
What hast Thou to say to me?

May you be richly blessed as you seek a stronger and growing relationship with the Lord.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Who Are You Listening To?

1 Samuel 3:8-10

The Message (MSG)
8-9 God called again, “Samuel!”—the third time! Yet again Samuel got up and went to Eli, “Yes? I heard you call me. Here I am.”
That’s when it dawned on Eli that God was calling the boy. So Eli directed Samuel, “Go back and lie down. If the voice calls again, say, ‘Speak, God. I’m your servant, ready to listen.’” Samuel returned to his bed.
10 Then God came and stood before him exactly as before, calling out, “Samuel! Samuel!”
Samuel answered, “Speak. I’m your servant, ready to listen.”

The story of Samuel is one of my favourites. I would encourage you to take the time to sit down some time and read it through.

This passage has me thinking about the voices we listen to. There have been many occasions when I have had people talk to me about what they have been told in the past, you might know the stuff, they will amount to nothing, they are hopeless, worthless, just taking up space. The reality is, you hear that stuff enough and you begin to believe it.

As people begin to encounter Christ and hopefully, as they begin to encounter good, honest followers of Christ, they begin to hear fresh messages. Messages of love and encouragement, value and purpose. The struggle is, which do I believe? Who do I listen to?

Further to this, for some there because another difficulty, how do I know that it is God speaking to me? I reckon there are a couple of things to be looking for. Firstly, God is consistent. Does what you hear match up to what is recorded of Him in the Scripture? Because God doesn't all of a sudden go back on His word. So, is it about grace, mercy, peace and love? Secondly, who are the people in the church that exemplify Christ in their lives? Those who reveal the fruit of the Spirit in their living? For these are the people that are discerning and are able to assist you in understanding if what you are hearing is of God, seek them out.

Friends, let's be those people of God, people who live life in Christ. Let's ensure we are encouragers and assisting others to determine what God's will and plan is for them. Bless you real good as you do this for the Kingdom!   

Saturday, January 26, 2013

But then God...

I had a terrific opportunity to connect with a friend in the UK via Facebook chat this morning. The conversation surrounding what we are doing now, work, where we are living and family, leads me to remember the faithfulness of God.

I think of our (Jenny & I) children  and realise how wonderfully blessed we are. That blessing reflects the graciousness and faithfulness of God. I have always wanted that they are solid in their own faith, have good partners (Christian) in their lives and enjoying life (happy & fulfilled)

Well, both our girls are married and their partners in life are great guys. They are loved, have fulfilling jobs and are very happy. They enjoy life and family and friends over anything else.

Our son has had a challenging time the past month or two. For him it was like the whole world was collapsing around him, all that he loved and hoped for. It is hard when you just want to say it will be ok and embrace them and care for them in your home. Easier said than done from a distance and when you are living in trust and in hope. You commit it all, commit them all in prayer to God, again, trusting, hoping and believing. Time tests you, makes you wonder, allows room for some doubt, wondering...

But then God...  back to the beginning, faithful always. Prayers answered. A house with some mates to share with. Some good final gig's for a couple of bands he has been in. A tour to commence in three states this coming week. God IS good! 

Not detracting from the faithfulness of God, I am grateful for the faithful people (some of you) who have been prayer warriors alongside us. Those willing to remember our children before the Lord and pray - 'thank you!'

Lord, thank you for your faithfulness - always! Keep our children/families close to Your heart, protecting, comforting, caring and empowering them for ministry and life - thank you!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

An Unqualified Yes ...

Have you had those occasions when you have committed yourself with full intention to fulfill the commitment you have made, only to find you have struggled at some point, something else grabbed your attention or became a distraction to you fulfilling this intention?

Have a read of this account of the people of Israel:

Joshua 24:16-24

The Message (MSG)
16 The people answered, “We’d never forsake God! Never! We’d never leave God to worship other gods.
17-18 God is our God! He brought up our ancestors from Egypt and from slave conditions. He did all those great signs while we watched. He has kept his eye on us all along the roads we’ve traveled and among the nations we’ve passed through. Just for us he drove out all the nations, Amorites and all, who lived in the land.
“Count us in: We too are going to worship God. He’s our God.”
19-20 Then Joshua told the people: “You can’t do it; you’re not able to worship God. He is a holy God. He is a jealous God. He won’t put up with your fooling around and sinning. When you leave God and take up the worship of foreign gods, he’ll turn right around and come down on you hard. He’ll put an end to you—and after all the good he has done for you!”
21 But the people told Joshua: “No! No! We worship God!”
22 And so Joshua addressed the people: “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen God for yourselves—to worship him.”
And they said, “We are witnesses.”
23 Joshua said, “Now get rid of all the foreign gods you have with you. Say an unqualified Yes to God, the God of Israel.”
24 The people answered Joshua, “We will worship God. What he says, we’ll do.”

I believe it is time for those of us who belong to Christ to stick up our hands and with that action say an unqualified "YES!" I will worship God, He is my God.

However, like the people of Israel I would do well to follow the instruction of Joshua and examine what might stop me from going 'all out' in this endeavour? What are the idols that might get in the way? What is it I worship that is going to hinder me from being 'full-on' for God?

Is it a possession? Maybe a lifestyle? The fact that 'I' like to be in charge of my life? What is the foreign element that hinders the relationship and gets in the way of total surrender to God? In identifying this I do well to let it go, surrender it, count it as nothing in comparison to the God I worship.

'Lord, assist me in my personal examination to see that which hinders a healthy, fruitful, growing relationship with You and give me the strength and determination to let it go.'

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Make Me A Conduit ...

Tonight's thought comes form a conversation with someone on Facebook today. Someone who I see as inspirational and enthusiastic in their efforts to promote the church and the Gospel. Truly a person who lives out this thought/concept/practice. 

It comes from a chorus:

Make me a channel of blessing today,
Make me a channel of blessing I pray;
My life possessing, my service blessing,
Make me a channel of blessing today.

Another term I often refer to is, conduit. That we might be a conduit of God's blessing so that the blessing we experience might be passed on (flow on) to others. This challenges the notion that often comes from people being desirous of the Lord blessing their lives. (full stop) 

In other words, there is no thought or notion that the purpose of their lives being blessed is that the blessing flows through them to others. For others to be blessed through them. It is like they are buckets or wells, wanting to capture the blessings of God, however they seal them up as though they are theirs for containment, only for their pleasure.

'Lord, my desire is that Your blessing (Your favour) might be upon me, and operate through me, to touch and impact and affect the lives of others with whom I might have contact. Especially Lord, those who are in some way broken, hurting, empty and searching. That their lives might encounter You in a way that is very real and life changing in a positive sense. Lord, empty me of all I have and am, that others might be won to the Kingdom.'

Be blessed as you become a conduit for the Lord!

Friday, January 18, 2013

What You Need ...

Well there continues to be some frustration as I wait for an internet connection, how true it is that you don't know what you have until you don't have it. However, a few $'s later and I have a USB pre-paid for use.

Anyway, here is the real stuff for today. Have a read of this AMAZING passage and take it to heart:

Joshua 1:1-9

The Message (MSG)
1-9 After the death of Moses the servant of God, God spoke to Joshua, Moses’ assistant:
“Moses my servant is dead. Get going. Cross this Jordan River, you and all the people. Cross to the country I’m giving to the People of Israel. I’m giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on—just as I promised Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon east to the Great River, the Euphrates River—all the Hittite country—and then west to the Great Sea. It’s all yours. All your life, no one will be able to hold out against you. In the same way I was with Moses, I’ll be with you. I won’t give up on you; I won’t leave you. Strength! Courage! You are going to lead this people to inherit the land that I promised to give their ancestors. Give it everything you have, heart and soul. Make sure you carry out The Revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don’t get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you’re going. And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”

I have taken the liberty of highlighting the aspects that stood out for me, though I could easily have highlighted even more. Here's the thing, both for me, and I believe for you. This is God's promise to US. The very words He uttered to Joshua, I reckon He echoes to you and I today.

God has a purpose for our lives. He desires that we be successful and reach the goal set before us. He does not desire that we fail, and thus the Lord supplies the enabling for us as is required. Does it mean the journey will be an easy one? No! Does it mean I will be unscathed from attack or attempts to bring me down or to turn me off course? No! And lots more No's. However, the God of the many champions of the past is both MY God and YOUR God.  And because of this we can have Strength! Courage!

We have some part though in this journey, we have to give it all we have and take it serious. No half-hearted responses, everything, heart and soul. Note the other advice. Ponder, meditate and practice

Lets do this. Lets take up the mantle of leadership that is ours and faithfully be God operatives in the field of mission with purpose and deliberate action.

Bless ya real good in your engagement in this journey!  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Bitter-Sweet ...

Anyone caught up in the business that sees you moving will understand something of these thoughts tonight. It doesn't really matter if it is long periods of time you spend in a place or short, the fact that you have to move carries with it some of these emotions at opposing ends of the spectrum, bitter-sweet.

We have just commenced a brand new year and often with this experience is the setting of new goals for one's life. I mentioned a few days ago that, 'marking a line in the sand,' for things to be different from here on. This is often a positive moment or experience. We get an opportunity to start afresh, reality is, we could start afresh at any time of our choosing. For those then who are Salvation Army Officers and moving at this time, there is an opportunity that we might begin something new, something different. Our aim is that we might make a good start.

However, I am mindful as this day draws to a close, that there is also a bitterness in the circumstances. Relationships that have been formed will become fractured to some degree, some from distance, but also from the need to give the people who replace us an opportunity to make their mark, for them to get a good start. We will reflect on those who have encountered Christ and experienced life-change through this encounter. Those who have experienced grief and loss. The opportunities of celebrating milestones with people. With the moving comes the knowledge that our paths may not cross for some time. The privilege that has been ours to journey with these people is in some respects is now passed on for someone else and there can be a sense of loss for us in this.

I am drawn to a song of this morning in worship which reminds me of a 'constant'. In speaking of God, this phrase echoes numerous times, 'Your love never changes...' He is always the same. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. Who WAS and IS and ALWAYS WILL BE. Now isn't that something to grasp with all we have and hold onto firmly?

'Lord, may it be that in this moment of bitter-sweet I hold onto that which does not change, that which is true and positive - Your love for me.'

Friday, January 4, 2013

Who's plans ...

Some of you will be aware what an interesting year 2012 was for me. It commenced with me seeing myself in a 'made to fit appointment'. I think we were really kicking some goals in a way that we hadn't for a while. You will know that expression, 'like a pig in mud', well that was me for a while. 

Well, it came tumbling down pretty quickly too. It took me to places I had never visited and would want for no person to find themselves. I felt robbed, cheated, attacked, angry, disappointed, disillusioned .... (I think you get the picture).

Have a read of this part of Joseph's story:-

Genesis 50:15-21
The Message (MSG)

14-15 After burying his father, Joseph went back to Egypt. All his brothers who had come with him to bury his father returned with him. After the funeral, Joseph’s brothers talked among themselves: “What if Joseph is carrying a grudge and decides to pay us back for all the wrong we did him?”
16-17 So they sent Joseph a message, “Before his death, your father gave this command: Tell Joseph, ‘Forgive your brothers’ sin—all that wrongdoing. They did treat you very badly.’ Will you do it? Will you forgive the sins of the servants of your father’s God?”
When Joseph received their message, he wept.
18 Then the brothers went in person to him, threw themselves on the ground before him and said, “We’ll be your slaves.”
19-21 Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid. Do I act for God? Don’t you see, you planned evil against me but God used those same plans for my good, as you see all around you right now—life for many people. Easy now, you have nothing to fear; I’ll take care of you and your children.” He reassured them, speaking with them heart-to-heart.

The passage is often highlighted for an act of forgiveness. However, the element I want to focus on is highlighted in bold, the fact that God can use any situation. I believe He revealed where I am not to be (which differed to where I might have been headed or seen myself at some point in time), in the intervening time this last six months. In a few more days Jen and I will return to ministry together in a Corps (Geelong). We are excited about this chapter in our lives and ministry. We love the journey with people, and the Corps setting enhances this considerably. I am sure this will not be without it's own set of challenges, and on this seek your prayer support.

I seek to remain faithful and obedient to what it is God has to say to me or where He seeks to lead me. I desire that His Kingdom grow with lives changed through an encounter with Jesus. That I too might grow, more and more into who He created me to BE.

Please join me in this prayer - thanks, and may He bless ya real good!