Welcome to my journey

Welcome to my journey as I read the Word, other books and live life ...

Monday, May 31, 2010

What do you see ...

Appraisals, are they interesting or what? I will have to be careful here as I will be made to practice what I preach (I am about to undergo an appraisal).

The thing that interests me is the way we can be so blind about ourselves, though I reckon I am pretty much self aware (maybe this appraisal will tell me otherwise, though I don't think so). I am surprised how people are blinded to the reality. Those who cannot see how they truly present.

Romans 12 is a tremendous chapter, I will have to come back to this at some time, as I love that instruction to be a "living sacrifice". Though this is not the verse I was drawn to tonight, rather:

Romans 12:3 (New Living Translation)
Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.

Why is it I hope I can take others observations of me? It is because I believe I can only be different or address deficiencies in my life as I become aware of them. Can I get hurt in the process? I appear to be rather human, so the answer is YES, of course I can, but I hope I can overcome this through filtering my responses through the faith I have in God and what He continues to reveal to me each day.

"Lord I really want to BE the person you have created me to BE. I understand that processes, such as an appraisal, can assist me to understand how others see me, an observation I may not interpret for myself. Help me to see clearly. Help me to receive the observations. Help me to address the deficiencies and the areas that need to change, so that I might serve you effectively."

1 comment:

  1. dad!
    this verse actually just helped me alot... thank you!


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