Welcome to my journey

Welcome to my journey as I read the Word, other books and live life ...

Monday, August 9, 2010

What has your attention ...

A few days ago I mentioned a book I was reading by Andy Stanley - The Principle of the Path. In this I related the principle of the path, the road we have chosen to be on (the direction we are going), and how this determines our destination (where we end up). Within this I discovered that for all the great intentions I might have, the goals and dreams I might hold onto, these won't make any difference if I choose the wrong path.

As the book proceeds, another lesson is learnt, another element explored. Andy Stanley raises in the formula the matter of "attention". What has your attention? What has captured  your eye? What has drawn you to give it all of your focus?

This is because what lures us or grabs our attention will most often determine the path that we take. Again, whether that be concerning our finances, relationships, employment, education ... If something or someone captures our gaze, it will often take us in a direction that may have been contrary to the one we were initially intending.

The importance of being aware of this, is so we allow God to keep our gaze. We allow God to command what it is we do, where it is we go, who it is we associate with. The alternative is to be taken by whatever, whoever  and wherever that something captures our eye the most.

Thus attention -> direction -> destination.

I would encourage you, if you are looking for a good read, to pick up a copy of the book and take up the challenge of being focused for God.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Andrew for your thoughts and the lessons learnt.
    I have also been thinking on these lines. My thoughts concerning 'a good work/life balance' as Christian is not about equal share of time between work/family/God/recreation, but I am tending to lean towards priorities in relationships rather than life/work balance; God first, wife and then children, my extended family, then those who are saved, then the lost.


Please let me know your thoughts ...