Welcome to my journey

Welcome to my journey as I read the Word, other books and live life ...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

But God ...

I think one of the really stand out things in the Christian journey is to see the total transforming of a person's life. Where there can be no doubt that they are very different to what they were pre Christ. Some of the old Salvation Army musicals used to capture this well. The person whose life was absorbed in the consumption of large quantities of alcohol, where it had such a grip on the persons life. How they may even be abusive or aggressive in their language, especially toward someone from the church. Then one day, with no apparent plan in mind, the person hears the Gospel (the Good News, the story of Jesus) and it strikes a chord in their life to something being out of place. And with this they make the move forward desirous to be different, to check out this Jesus character and see how He might impact their life. A complete turn-around on the way life was lived previously.

Paul in his letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 1: 12-13) talks something of this. In his description of the responsibility he now has, given to him by God, he recalls how that is not who he was. Rather he was one to blaspheme, insolent, a persecutor of God's people, and then the turning point, are you ready for it:

"But God ..."

Yes, we can note that it was an application of mercy, of generosity and application of grace. However, the point is to note the source of this, it was God who interceded. It is God who is active. It is God who instigates the change. "But God ..."

I wonder if we might let this sink in a moment. So that on the next occasion when we are ready to write someone off because their life seems so out of control, we remember who it is can bring about change. We recall who is able to instigate a shift. Who it is transforms lives. I can't. The person themselves is unlikely to be able to do so. "But God ..."

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